The Discourse Tactics of the Service Companies to Local Outsourcing Workers in West Sumatra Indonesia [chapter]

Sawirman, Josefino, Yessy Markolinda, Novra Hadi, M. Yusdi
2019 Proceeding of The 13th International Conference onMalaysia-Indonesia Relations (PAHMI)  
This article reveals the discourse tactics of the service companies to local outsourcing workers in West Sumatra Indonesia. The companies and contract letters to be observed are purposely selected based upon a number of academic reasons. The theory used in this article is postdiscourse which is focused on the discourse forensic analysis on the textual tactics, orientation, total authority, and imbalanced power relation in those contracts. The analyses expose that the service companies do
more » ... tactical and strategic discourse engineering in eliminating the rights and the opportunities of the local outsourcing workers to gain their rights, obstructing their voice, and weakening their positions.
doi:10.2478/9783110680003-021 fatcat:cvtamma5ovfj5njj33aaie6uly