OP0239 Pregnancy outcomes in patients with iga vasculitis

J Nossent, W. Raymond, H. Keen, C. Inderjeeth, D. Preen
2018 FRIDAY, 15 JUNE 2018   unpublished
figure 1 ), possibly demonstrating a higher level of target engagement from the SC QW and IV regimens compared with the Q2W regimen. IL-6 levels increased vs baseline after TCZ administration for all three regimens, reflecting displacement of bound, endogenous IL-6 from its receptor, consistent with the mechanism of action of TCZ. ESR levels decreased to a similar extent in response to TCZ administration with all three regimens. Change from baseline in CRP was comparable between the two SC
more » ... ens (~79%-93% reduction from baseline from the QW and Q2W regimens, respectively). Quantitative changes in CRP values are not available for the IV study. Abstract OP0237 - Figure 1 Mean (SD) baseline and week 52 PK/PD markers after chronic dosing with TCZ after IV and SC regimens in GCA patients. Conclusions: Comparison of C trough after 52 weeks of dosing with TCZ from the 8 mg/kg IV regimen with that obtained from two SC regimens showed that exposures from the IV regimen were within the range of exposures of the QW and Q2W regimens. Comparison of PD outcomes showed that all three regimens had comparable results, with the possible exception of lower levels of sIL-6R (a mechanistic marker reflecting serum concentration and target engagement) from the SC Q2W regimen. Comparability of PD results is consistent with the similar efficacy outcomes seen in the SC and IV trials. REFERENCES: [1] Stone JH, et al. N Engl
doi:10.1136/annrheumdis-2018-eular.6150 fatcat:5sej4lhmwfef7arh3ijqgb2lbu