Intelligent Transport Systems

Mangani Daudi Kazembe
2022 International Journal for Research in Applied Science and Engineering Technology  
Abstract: Growing economic activities aand others are among the factors that make many cities busy places today especially in traffic systems. Road networks that seem to be spacious sometimes become completely congested so much so that traffic mobility looks standstill. This impacts negatively on traffic users resources in terms of time management, fuel and other resource. This paper discusses the background trend in traffic activities amid congestion environment and proposes an Intelligent
more » ... fic System that uses Machine Learning technique of predictive classification and regression to help traffic users determine forehand on the congestion status of available roads or highways. This further suggests that if the road user tries to avoid congestion, then the congestion levels will minimize. For simplicity, the data that has been used for congestion has been from a csv file containing previous datasets of local roads or highways.
doi:10.22214/ijraset.2022.45271 fatcat:ldkye63ttjepnjda643bag5u5u