Aesthetic Quality Assessment of Photographic Images: A Literature Survey

Sruthy Suran, Sreekumar K.
2015 International Journal of Computer Applications  
Aesthetics is a branch of philosophy which deals with the study of emotions in relation to the sense of beauty. Nowadays, there is a tremendous increase in the use of digital images as a means for representing and communicating information. With the considerable increase of consumer photos, evaluating the quality of photos has become a difficult task. People are more interested in photos that are visually pleasing. The aesthetic beauty of a picture is determined using aesthetic quality factors
more » ... ike prettiness, cuteness, neatness, cuddliness, loveliness etc. Aesthetic quality assessment is a challenging task that require understanding of subjective notions . Aesthetic quality score of an image can be calculated using low level features such as contrast, sharpness, colorfulness etc. This paper provide a survey of aesthetic quality assessment of photographic images and a brief description of existing approaches.
doi:10.5120/ijca2015907614 fatcat:nzmuk2vz6zhe7meisv2ookxahe