Editorials and Medical Intelligence

1835 Boston Medical and Surgical Journal  
vacant vessel, and left it on the sideboard as a convenient place, when she was obliged to clean the brass in the room. When 1 saw the patient, which was about ten or fifteen minutes after she had taken the poison, she was violently agitated with fear, and complained of a gnawing pain in the region of the stomach. I soon administered a large dose of pulv. ipecac.-say 100 grains-for I thought I had once before seen a case of poisoning prove fatal from giving emetics in ineffectual doses. I
more » ... ed this by huge draughts of chamouiile tea, and titillation in the throat, but all without effect. After fifteen minutes
doi:10.1056/nejm183504150121007 fatcat:mczfshzaefdjxkdylwpmu6jyb4