An Intelligent Real-Time Traffic Control Based on Mobile Edge Computing for Individual Private Environment

Sa Math, Lejun Zhang, Seokhoon Kim, Intae Ryoo, Xiaolong Xu
2020 Security and Communication Networks  
The existence of Mobile Edge Computing (MEC) provides a novel and great opportunity to enhance user quality of service (QoS) by enabling local communication. The 5th generation (5G) communication is consisting of massive connectivity at the Radio Access Network (RAN), where the tremendous user traffic will be generated and sent to fronthaul and backhaul gateways, respectively. Since fronthaul and backhaul gateways are commonly installed by using optical networks, the bottleneck network will
more » ... r when the incoming traffic exceeds the capacity of the gateways. To meet the requirement of real-time communication in terms of ultralow latency (ULL), these aforementioned issues have to be solved. In this paper, we proposed an intelligent real-time traffic control based on MEC to handle user traffic at both gateways. The method sliced the user traffic into four communication classes, including conversation, streaming, interactive, and background communication. And MEC server has been integrated into the gateway for caching the sliced traffic. Subsequently, the MEC server can handle each user traffic slice based on its QoS requirements. The evaluation results showed that the proposed scheme enhances the QoS and can outperform on the conventional approach in terms of delays, jitters, and throughputs. Based on the simulated results, the proposed scheme is suitable for improving time-sensitive communication including IoT sensor's data. The simulation results are validated through computer software simulation.
doi:10.1155/2020/8881640 fatcat:3gebm6sf5vfwncz2knd6xw75u4