New Yorker Melange

Jan Zahálka, Stevan Rudinac, Marcel Worring
2014 Proceedings of the ACM International Conference on Multimedia - MM '14  
In this paper we propose New Yorker Melange, an interactive city explorer, which navigates New York venues through the eyes of New Yorkers having a similar taste to the interacting user. To gain insight into New Yorkers' preferences and properties of the venues, a dataset of more than a million venue images and associated annotations has been collected from Foursquare, Picasa, and Flickr. As visual and text features, we use semantic concepts extracted by a convolutional deep net and latent
more » ... hlet allocation topics. To identify different aspects of the venues and topics of interest to the users, we further cluster images associated with them. New Yorker Melange uses an interactive map interface and learns the interacting user's taste using linear SVM. The SVM model is used to navigate the interacting user's exploration further towards similar users. Experimental evaluation demonstrates that our proposed approach is effective in producing relevant results and that both visual and text modalities contribute to the overall system performance.
doi:10.1145/2647868.2656403 dblp:conf/mm/ZahalkaRW14 fatcat:fmvccs5ab5gsbov4boceu6fk7u