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PROGRAMS AND INSTRUCTION Journals Saracho, Olivia N.; Spodek, Bernard (2009). Educating the young mathematician: The twentieth century and beyond. Early Childhood Education Journal, 36(4), 305-312. An historical overview of the movements influencing early years mathematics instruction in western culture between 1900 and 2008 Siegler, Robert S.; Ramani, Geetha B. (2009). Playing linear number board games--but not circular ones--improves low-income preschoolers' numerical understanding Journal of
more » ... Educational Psychology, 101(3), 545-560 A comparison of the effects of linear or circular board games on the development of children's early numeracy skills, based on a sample of 88 low-income children from 7 Head Start classrooms and 2 child care centers who randomly received either a linear board came, a circular board game, or a numerical activities intervention Ginsburg, Herb P.; Boyd, Judi; Sun Lee, Joon (2008). Mathematics education for young children: What it is and how to promote it. Social Policy Report, 22(1), 1-23. An examination of children's abilities, early education curricula, and teacher readiness in the subject of early mathematics, and a presentation of policy recommendations for teacher training, curricula, and research related to the subject Rudd, Loretta; Lambert, Matthew C.; Zaier, Amani; Satterwhite, Macy. (2008). Mathematical language in early childhood settings: What really counts? Early Childhood Education Journal, 36(1), 75-80 A case study of the use of mathematical language by 11 teachers in interactions with children at a university child care center Sun Lee, Joon; Ginsburg, Herbert P. (2007). What is appropriate mathematics education for four-year-olds?: Pre-kindergarten teachers' beliefs. Journal of Early Childhood Research, 5(1), 2-31. An examination of 30 pre-kindergarten teachers' beliefs about early mathematics education, as demonstrated in their evaluations of vignettes describing fictitious teachers' approaches to implementing Brown, Elizabeth T. (2005). The influence of teachers' efficacy and beliefs regarding mathematics instruction in the early childhood classroom. Journal of Early Childhood Teacher Education, 26(3), 239-257. A study of correlations among prekindergarten teachers' feelings of self-efficacy, beliefs about the importance of mathematics, and mathematics instructional practices
doi:10.7916/d8-wcmh-fm77 fatcat:zsfgkfqj55aenoosqw5bkdcx6m