The Art of Actualization

Michael Guynn
2021 Curiosity: Interdisciplinary Journal of Research and Innovation  
Two personality psychologists, Abraham Maslow and Carl Rogers, used the concept of self-actualization in their theories of personal growth (Schultz & Schultz, 2019) . Rogers believed all people have an actualization tendency, a desire to seek higher forms of cognitive complexity (Kim, 2018) . Similar viewpoints may be found in the ancient philosophy of Taoism as well as the writings of Plato (Lin, 2011; Bloom, 1968) . Also in line with Roger's theory are the findings that the brain naturally
more » ... ks perceptual unity (Griffith & Davidson, 1966; Hunt & Schooler, 2019) . Brain areas like the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex and the default mode network are tied to levels of self actualization (Forrest, 2001; Yangmei et al., 2017). Maslow believed self actualized people have peak experiences such as moments of deep connection with the universe (Yaden et al., 2017) . Lowering one's latent inhibition may be a way to increase the frequency of peak experiences (Carson, Higgens, & Peterson, 2003).
doi:10.36898/001c.28094 fatcat:jxctckwgcjh3jgjaafy3qfq73y