Appraisal the Quality of Drinking Tap Water in Different Regions of Kirkuk city

2021 Medico-Legal Update  
This study was conducted to demonstrate the suitability of drinking tap water from different regions of Kirkuk city byanalyzing some chemical and physical properties included (temperature, pH, turbidity, electric conductivity, total soluble solids, total hardness, total suspended solids, nitrates, calcium, magnesium, chloride, sulfate, sodium and phosphate) and eight heavy metals concentration including (Cd, Cr, Cu, Fe, Zn, Ni, Mn and Mg) which have been detected in drinking water. The drinking
more » ... tap water of Kirkuk city processed by the Directorate of Kirkuk's water for human consumption, all data compared with (IQS 417/2001) except for temperature. The results offered that the concentrations of 8 studied metals are little than National Standards Organization of Iraq (IQS) except for (Ni) which is found to be high (12.267mg/L) dose which not meet specifications, the results were analyzed using the analytic Jena AAS NOVAA 350. The results of chemical and physical properties compared with drinking water standards displays that the concentration of studied chemical and physical are little than the estimated levels that were announced by the National Standards Organization of Iraq(IQS) except for two analysis(turbidity and total soluble solids) were found to be highest rate(6.9NTU) and (79mg/L) respectively which does not meet specifications.
doi:10.37506/mlu.v21i1.2297 fatcat:oq6dhbittjgf5nw5hv2l65k57y