An Improved 2.5 GHz Electron Pump: Single-Electron Transport through Shallow-Etched Point Contacts Driven by Surface Acoustic Waves

P. Utko, K. Gloos, J.B. Hansen, P.O. Lindelof
2003 Acta Physica Polonica. A  
A CTA P HY SIC A P O LO NIC A A No . 6 P ro ceed i ng s o f t h e XXX I I I n t ern at io n al Sch oo l o f Sem icond uct i ng Co m p ou n ds, Ja szo wi ec 200 3 A n I m p r o v ed 2.5 G H z E lectron P u m p : Sin gle -Ele ctron T r an sp ort t h rou gh Sh allo w -Etc h ed P oint C ontac ts Drive n b y Su r fac e Ac ou stic W a v es P . U t k o, K. G l o o s, J. B. H an sen an d P. E. L inde l of Nano -Sci ence Center , Ni el s Bo hr Insti t ute fA FG , Uni versi t y of Cop enhagen Uni versi
more » ... tspa rken 5, 2100 Co penha gen, Denm ark W e pre sent an exp eri menta l study of a 2.5 GH z electron pump based on t he quantized acousto electri c current dri ven by surf ace acoustic w aves throu gh a shallow -etched point contact in a Ga A s/A lGaA s heterostructure. A t low temp eratures and with an additi onal counter-propagating surf ace acoustic w aves beam, up to n = 2 0 current plateaus at I = n e f could b e resolved, w here n is an integer, e the electron charge, and f the surf ace acoustic w aves frequency . In the best case the accuracy of the Ùrst plateau at 0.40 nA w as estimated to be I =I = Ï 2 5 ppm over 0.25 mV in gate voltage, which is better than previous results. PAC S numb ers: 73.63. K v, 72. 50.+ b, 06. 20. J r
doi:10.12693/aphyspola.103.533 fatcat:h4qicqmvcrbflnusmk6h57xvem