Optimal Fixed-Premise Repairs of EL TBoxes (Extended Version) [report]

Francesco Kriegel, Technische Universität Dresden, Institute for Theoretical Computer Science, Chair for Automata Theory
2022 unpublished
Reasoners can be used to derive implicit consequences from an ontology. Sometimes unwanted consequences are revealed, indicating errors or privacy-sensitive information, and the ontology needs to be appropriately repaired. The classical approach is to remove just enough axioms such that the unwanted consequences vanish. However, this is often too rough since mere axiom deletion also erases many other consequences that might actually be desired. The goal should not be to remove a minimal number
more » ... f axioms but to modify the ontology such that only a minimal number of consequences is removed, including the unwanted ones. Specifically, a repair should rather be logically entailed by the input ontology, instead of being a subset. To this end, we introduce a framework for computing fixed-premise repairs of $\mathcal{EL}$ TBoxes. In the first variant the conclusions must be generalizations of those in the input TBox, while in the second variant no such restriction is imposed. In both variants, every repair is entailed by an optimal one and, up to equivalence, the set of all optimal repairs can be computed in exponential time. A prototypical implementation is provided. In addition, we show new complexity results regarding gentle repairs. This is an extended version of an article accepted at the 45th German Conference on Artificial Intelligence (KI 2022).
doi:10.25368/2022.321 fatcat:td4balfirzaflkfrqvxcsfajny