فاعلية استخدام التلعيب بواسطة الکاهوت في الفصول الافتراضية في منصة مدرستي على التحصيل الدراسي في مادة الرياضيات في المرحلة الابتدائية

مازن محمد السريحي
2022 المجلة العربية للتربية النوعية  
This study aimed to identify the effectiveness of using gamification by Kahoot in Madrasati platform virtual classrooms to increase the mathematics achievement of sixth-grade students. The quasi-experimental approach was used in this study and the study sample consisted of (80) students from the sixth grade of Al-Waleed bin Qais primary school. The students were divided into two groups, an experimental group consisting of (40) students that were taught using gamification by Kahoot and a control
more » ... group consisting of (40) students that were taught using the normal method. The study results showed that there were statistically significant differences at the level (0.05) between the average scores of the experimental and
doi:10.21608/ejev.2022.233130 fatcat:lkk65xg3cngqtjzfyhy3q45fp4