Capital Facilities Construction As a Result of Proactive Measures of National Projects (The Case of the Southern Federal District)
Создание объектов капитального строительства как результат реализации проактивных мероприятий национальных проектов (на примере ЮФО)

Inna Mitrofanova, Federal Research Centre the Southern Scientific Centre of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Karine Yurchenko, Volgograd State University
2021 Regionalnaya ekonomika Yug Rossii  
The article examines the role of capital facilities in the course of implementation of national, federal and regional projects, assesses the significance of the construction of corresponding facilities for achieving the goals and indicators, studies the relationship between these constructions and individual social and economic indicators of administrative territorial units, as well as elements of regional projects. Open data from the unified portal of budgetary system of the Russian
more » ... information on government contracts for the construction of capital facilities taken from the unified information system in the field of procurement and official statistics were used for the study. Due to the peculiarities of capital facilities (cost, scale, long period of operation), they have a direct and most tangible impact on the achievement of key goals, objectives and indicators set by regional projects, and are also highly valuable for citizens, what leads to long-term multiplicative social and economic effects. The authors analyzed the distribution of capital facilities by federal districts, as well as the regions of the Russian Federation within the Southern Federal District. The structure of capital facilities in the context of national projects was studied, and conclusions were made about a loose correlation between the indicators of the number of capital facilities and the volume of financial support for the corresponding regional projects due to significant differences in the cost of capital facilities, depending on the area under consideration. Some of the capital facilities planned for construction under regional projects, including the most expensive ones, are given, with special attention paid to capital facilities in the regions of southern Russia. A direct relationship between the number of capital facilities planned for construction and the population of the corresponding territory was established, which confirms the conclusion about the high social and economic significance of capital facilities and their potential to achieve the set strategic goals and development tasks of the country and its regions.
doi:10.15688/re.volsu.2021.3.7 fatcat:pcrq2xzxgjajlmenpeovjiec6u