Poverty-Environment Nexus: Use of Pesticide in Cotton Zone of Punjab, Pakistan

Muhammad Khan, Naeem Akram, Muhammad Iftikhar ul Husnain, Ihtsham ul Haq Padda, Saima Akhtar Qureshi
2011 Journal of Sustainable Development  
A pesticide safety knowledge test was developed to assess farmer's knowledge related to pesticide safety. Yes-No (true-false) type 25 item, test, was constructed and used in a sample of 162 pesticide applicator in two districts of southern Punjab Pakistan. The overall mean score was 17.2(72%). More educated and adult respondents performed better than younger and illiterate. Similarly large land holder scored higher than small landholders, indicating their more access to information and
more » ... . Overall ten Items received less than 50% correct response. The result shows that farmers have reasonably good knowledge but it still has to see, to what extent that knowledge is being used practically. It could possibly be the future research topic.
doi:10.5539/jsd.v4n3p163 fatcat:c7javxasmfgovho5z2nufmjz4m