Fermi liquid instabilities in the spin channel

Congjun Wu, Kai Sun, Eduardo Fradkin, Shou-Cheng Zhang
2007 Physical Review B  
We study the Fermi surface instabilities of the Pomeranchuk type in the spin triplet channel with high orbital partial waves (F_l^a (l>0)). The ordered phases are classified into two classes, dubbed the α and β-phases by analogy to the superfluid ^3He-A and B-phases. The Fermi surfaces in the α-phases exhibit spontaneous anisotropic distortions, while those in the β-phases remain circular or spherical with topologically non-trivial spin configurations in momentum space. In the α-phase, the
more » ... tone modes in the density channel exhibit anisotropic overdamping. The Goldstone modes in the spin channel have nearly isotropic underdamped dispersion relation at small propagating wavevectors. Due to the coupling to the Goldstone modes, the spin wave spectrum develops resonance peaks in both the α and β-phases, which can be detected in inelastic neutron scattering experiments. In the p-wave channel β-phase, a chiral ground state inhomogeneity is spontaneously generated due to a Lifshitz-like instability in the originally nonchiral systems. Possible experiments to detect these phases are discussed.
doi:10.1103/physrevb.75.115103 fatcat:vcod2xcc7vgzfkrk4yc6kmk6gy