Safe City Strategy and Anti-terrorist Security Check in China's Public Transport

Gang Luo
2017 Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Contemporary Education, Social Sciences and Humanities (ICCESSH 2017)   unpublished
Cases of violence and terrorism happened in subways of Russia and Europe indicate terrorist attack in public transport is severely threatening urban public security and challenges the safe city strategy, the core topic of which is bound to be Anti-terrorist. We must determine the core of safe city again and transform from the hazard prevention in the traditional meaning to the terrorism prevention. The safe city strategy with preventive security check as major measures faces problems between
more » ... iciency and security, human rights and security. The construction of safe city in China is also threatened by terrorist attack. Problems must be solved through strengthen citizens' consensus on Anti-terrorist and improving the legalization degree of Anti-terrorist security check.
doi:10.2991/iccessh-17.2017.206 fatcat:pf37wxt6ebcp7ejvq4tgstcqu4