Development of Home Meal Replacement Using Local Foods by Quality Function Deployment Method
품질기능전개(Quality Function Deployment)를 이용한 국내산 식재료 사용 가정간편식의 제품 설계요소 연구

Hojin Lee
2021 Journal of Biotechnology and Bioindustry  
The purpose of this study was to develop a concept for HMR (home meal replacement) using local foods by QFD (quality function deployment) model considering the consumer needs and the opinions of experts. A consumer survey and expert opinion survey were conducted from November to December, 2020. A total of 26 for experts and 474 for consumers were selected and used for the final analysis. As a result, the customer requirements for HMR using local foods were in the order of 'use of wrapping paper
more » ... that save the environment', 'nutritional balance', and 'hygienic cooking and production'. The results from the calculation of relative importance of technical characteristics were 'good quality versus price', 'good portion size versus price', and 'rationality of the price compared to cooking from raw materials' for HMR using local foods. Regarding the priority of technical characteristics for experts and needs for consumers, the QFD model identified that 'Price' and 'Quality' were the highest for HMR using local foods.
doi:10.37503/jbb.2021.9.23 fatcat:ehzdvp5pdjfi5ecx7mc4vtwl6m