Kinetics and mechanisms of some rapid substitution and oxidation-reduction reactions of iron (III), europium (II), and chromium (II) ions [thesis]

David Wesley Carlyle
Aquation rate of azid.olron(III) at H+, 25.0°, l.OOM ionic strength Aquation rate of azldolron(III) as a function of hydrogen ion concentration and temperature Temperature dependences of the rate con stants for aquation of PeN^-+ Results of experiments measuring the rate or approach to equilibrium by Eq 5 in the presence of a large excess of Fe3+ or HN^ Spectrophotometric data for evaluation of at 25.0°, l.OM ionic strength Rate measurements for the reaction of Fe3+ and EU2+ at 15.8°, O.876M
more » ... and l.OOM ionic strength in perchlorate solution Calculations derived from the concentrationtime plot shown in Figure 7, and used to construct the ln(B/A) vs time plot shown in Figure 8 Observed and calculated rate constants for the reaction of Eu(II) and Pe(III) as a function of temperature and [H+] in per chlorate solution Temperature dependences of the rate constants for reaction of Eu(II) and Fe(III) in per chlorate solution, at ionic strength l.OOM, maintained with L1+
doi:10.31274/rtd-180813-3019 fatcat:jhayjflbvjbfhdqwkpuzmwc3t4