Analysis of High School Students' Learning Characteristic Appeared in the 2016 National Assessment of Educational Achievement
2016년 국가수준 학업성취도 평가 결과에서 나타난 고등학생의 수학 학업 특성 분석1)

Seong-Kyeong Kim
2018 Journal of Curriculum and Evaluation  
This study seeks to examine high school students' academic characteristics from the 2016 National Assessment of Educational Achievement, which was published based on the 2009-revised mathematic curriculum and derive implications for teaching and learning. To do so, first, the test tool for mathematics in the 2016 National Assessment of Educational Achievement was introduced, and overall assessment results were examined based on achievement score, percentage of achievement levels, correct answer
more » ... rate in the content areas, and representative test items per each achievement level. Second, specific assessment results for seven content areas were suggested. The results showed that those with 'proficient level'(47.63%) accounted for the highest percentage of the students, while students with 'basic level' and 'below-basic level' accounted for 20%. Second, the results from examining representative test items per each achievement level showed that representative test items for advanced-level were evenly distributed, while representative test items for proficient level skewed towards topics 'equations and inequalities', 'sets and propositions', and 'sequence'; for basic level, only 'polynomials' and 'sets and propositions' were observed. Third, an analysis of correct answer rate in the content areas revealed that the correctness rate of the 'polynomial' area was the highest and correctness rate in 'functions' area was the lowest. Fourth, in the 'equations and inequalities' area, 'the relationship between quadratic functions and quadratic equations' and 'the relationship between quadratic functions and quadratic inequalities' was more difficult for students than other achievement standards in equations and inequalities area. Fifth, within 'Equations for geometric figures' area, students scored low in 'the positional relationship between a circle and a straight line'. Last, an analysis of essay type item asking for the reverse function of a composite function revealed that typical wrong answers occurred when symbols were used incorrectly to express the reverse function of a composite function, when the characteristics of reverse functions were not correctly applied, and when reverse functions were calculated inaccurately.
doi:10.29221/jce.2018.21.4.151 fatcat:bpccsiqiefcadlcuro3c2myzce