Primary progressive aphasia patients evaluated using diffusion tensor imaging and voxel based volumetry-preliminary results

Fábio Pascotto de Oliveira, Jaderson Costa da Costa, Sabine Possa Marroni, Ana Maria Marques da Silva, Sthefanie Hansen Barreiro, Fábio Kunihiro Maeda, Mirna Wetters Portuguez
2011 Arquivos de Neuro-Psiquiatria  
There are individuals who have a progressive language deficit without presenting cognitive deficits in other areas. One of the diseases related to this presentation is primary progressive aphasia (PPA). OBJECTIVE: Identify by means of diffusion tensor imaging (DTI) and measurements of cortical volume, brain areas that lead to dysphasia when presenting signs of impaired connectivity or reduced volume. METHOD: Four patients with PPA were evaluated using DTI, and measurements of cortical volumes
more » ... temporal areas. These patients were compared with two normal volunteers. RESULTS: There is a trend to a difference in the number and volume of related fibers between control group and patients with PPA. Comparing cortical volumes in temporal areas between groups yielded a trend to a smaller volume in PPA patients. CONCLUSION: Patients with PPA have a trend to impairment in cortical and subcortical levels regarding relevant areas.
doi:10.1590/s0004-282x2011000400007 pmid:21755119 fatcat:ee6y7wpuq5b2hctjzmhvnc75g4