Biochar Application in Soil Management Systems [chapter]

Theophilus Olufemi Isimikalu
2022 Biochar - Productive Technologies, Properties and Application [Working Title]  
Due to its potential for improving soil fertility and reducing greenhouse gas emissions, biochar is frequently used as a soil amendment. This chapter presents an overview of its application and soil conditioning mechanisms as a technique for long-term carbon sequestration and lower greenhouse gas emissions, as well as an option for improving soil fertility. It focuses on biochar amendment for improved soil properties that support plant nutrient uptake and crop yield improvement, soil properties
more » ... and biochar carbon sequestration dynamics, biochar degradation processes, and soil interactions and conditioning mechanisms that influence biochar carbon stability in soils. Current biochar stability assessment techniques used in academic studies are also addressed, along with their suitability for use with various goals and situations.
doi:10.5772/intechopen.106337 fatcat:3tnsqxta4ffzzet7vbgus44b6m