Assessment of the Process of Recruitment of School Evaluators for Primary Schools in South East, Nigeria

O. Ezenwaji Ifeyinwa
2016 Asian Journal of Humanity Art and Literature  
Inadequate and use of unqualified and untrained personnel in the inspectorate services resulting in poor quality output in the school system has created a gap in teachers' preparation and update in Nigerian evaluators. Meaningful and quality education can only be achieved with the guide and check of qualified and modern evaluators. The article attempts to find out how criteria for recruitment of evaluators are adhered to and problems the evaluators encounter in their practices as evaluators in
more » ... outh East, Nigeria and proffer solution. A descriptive survey was adopted for the study, two research questions and two null hypotheses, tested at (p<.05) level of significance, were used. Through a multistage procedure, three out of the five states were selected from the south-east zone. 371 head-teachers from public primary schools and 257 evaluators of the inspectorate services were sampled. A 38 items questionnaire titled. Primary school Assessment questionnaire (PSAQ), covering different areas of school evaluation was developed by the researcher to get information from respondents, the head teachers and the evaluators. The finding of the study showed that there is significant difference between the mean rating of evaluators and head teachers with regards to the application of criteria guiding the recruitment of evaluators. The Government should also develop a new programme for the unit.
doi:10.18034/ajhal.v3i1.305 fatcat:blsg42p3ovcw3mahx6c3msdmoe