Redescription of Bacciger microacetabularis (Martorelli et Suriano, 1983) nov. comb. parasitizing Paralichthys orbignyanus (Pisces, Paralichthyidae) from Argentina

Ana Alarcos, Jorge Etchegoin, Florencia Cremonte
2008 Acta Parasitologica  
AbstractIn this paper Steringotrema microacetabularis (Suriano et Martorelli, 1983) is redescribed and transferred to Bacciger Nicoll, 1924 in the Faustulidae Poche, 1926 based on newly collected material from the type-host, Paralichthys orbignyanus Valenciennes, 1839 and the type-locality, Mar Chiquita coastal lagoon, Buenos Aires Province, Argentina. A careful re-examination of the new specimens shows that some anatomical characteristics were ignored or incompletely described by the previous
more » ... uthors and they are included herein. The species is tentatively transferred to Bacciger with which it appears to have closest affinity. Despite the anatomical differences detailed in this paper, confirmation of this proposal must await further work, including molecular studies.
doi:10.2478/s11686-008-0055-2 fatcat:acfjdvvzmvhabadqoloremaydy