Exchange and co-production of knowledges: reflections from Amazonia

Astuti Rita, Natalia Buitron Arias, Grégory Deshoulliere
2019 Zenodo  
In this paper, we give an account of what came to be known as El primer evento internacional de intercambio de saberes y antropología in a small Shuar settlement in Ecuadorian Amazonia. This story should be of interest to anthropologists for a number of reasons. First, because we describe how the people we work with engage with anthropology: with what we do and the knowledge we create. Second, to come out in the open quite in the way we did requires some careful thinking, and in the telling of
more » ... he story we explain how we did that thinking, together with the people of the village. Finally, this story should be of interest to anyone required to engage in "knowledge exchange and impact" (KEI), as conceptualized in university settings in the Global North. By providing an account of how the exchange of knowledges looks like in a small village in Amazonia, while engaging critically with the requirements of KEI (especially as envisaged in UK universities), we hope to inspire others to take on the challenge of trying symetrical exchange of knowledges with the people they work with.
doi:10.5281/zenodo.3666390 fatcat:5nv2h3w4lvgvjhdy77wv3yu2ky