Particle properties

Thomas Schindelbeck
2019 Zenodo  
The standard model of physics classifies particles into elementary leptons and hadrons composed of quarks. In this article the existence of an alternate ordering principle will be demonstrated giving particle energies to be quantized as a function of the fine-structure constant, α. The quantization can be derived using an appropriate wave function that acts as a probability amplitude on the electric field. The value of α itself can be approximated numerically by the gamma functions of the
more » ... als involved. The model may be used to calculate other particle properties as well. The magnetic moment may be calculated directly from the electromagnetic fields. In the range of femtometer the wave function overlap provides a mechanism for strong interaction. The series expansion of the energy equation provides quantitative terms for strong, Coulomb and gravitational interaction. The relationship of the model with gravitational effects is corroborated by the possibility to derive the basic equations directly from the Einstein field equations. Necessary input parameters for all calculations can be reduced to elementary charge and electric constant only.
doi:10.5281/zenodo.1491934 fatcat:di7fs4surrejzaitm5fs3wjnse