Ontology based Semantic e-Learning Model– A Review

Vaishali B., S. A., Mukta Dhopeshwarkar
2018 International Journal of Computer Applications  
We focus on the role of ontologies in developing learning constraint-based tutors, a special class of intelligent tutoring system (ITS). Domain models for ITS are extremely difficult to develop, and therefore efforts devoted to automatic induction of the necessary knowledge are of critical importance for widening the realworld impact of ITS. Ontology formally represent knowledge as a set of concept within domain, and the relationship between pairs of concepts. It can be used to model a domain
more » ... d support reasoning about concepts. This show ontology takes an important place in elearning system. Ontology is used to classify the things which are needed in e-learning system.
doi:10.5120/ijca2018918209 fatcat:yhojjr7tzjdljaivdqh7loecau