Responding to: Coping with Stress among Androgynous, and Sextyped Persons

Souad Mousa Ahmed Bakhet
2021 OALib  
Aim: The aim of this study is identify the role of traditional sextyped and androgynous individual in responding to and coping with stress and suggest type of preventive socializing procedure that considers psychological androgyny, and to contribute to the knowledge pertaining to the area of sextyped and mental health in Sudan. Methods: A questionnaire consists of three parts, Bem sex role inventory, the social readjustment rating scale and some of the psychosomatic diseases distributed to 155
more » ... econdary school teachers (77 males and 78 females). Results: Males and females were equal in androgynous sextyped. The traditionally sextype females represent 60.3% while traditionally sextyped males are 29.9%. The biographical data significantly correlated with responding to and coping with stress (negative and positive correlation). Sextyped correlated positively with urban and rural childhood dichotomy. Conclusion: Feminine sextyped and androgynous persons respond positively to stress, in accordance they cope directly to eliminate it psychosomatic diseases prevail more among feminine sextyped (42.9%) and androgynous, 31.9%).
doi:10.4236/oalib.1107734 fatcat:5hcbktnxqza5tge5jjxf42cvbq