Discrete Approximation of Impulsive Differential Inclusions

Robert Baier, Tzanko Donchev
The paper deals with the approximation of the solution set and the reachable sets of an impulsive differential inclusion with variable times of impulses. It is strongly connected to T. Donchev, "Approximation of the Solution Set of Impulsive Systems", Lecture Notes in Comput. Sci. 4818 (2008) and is its continuation. We achieve order of convergence 1 for the Euler approximation under Lipschitz assumptions on the set-valued right-hand side and on the functions describing the jump surfaces and
more » ... ps themselves. Another criterion prevents the beating phenomena and generalizes available conditions. Several test examples illustrate the conditions and the practical evaluation of the jump conditions.
doi:10.15495/epub_ubt_00005579 fatcat:xcxfjzphnbft3hczefkgmrxete