Circulating Retinol Binding Protein 4 is Inversely Associated with Pancreatic β Cell Function across the Spectrum of Glycemia [post]

Rong Huang, Songping Yin, Yongxin Ye, Nixuan Chen, Shiyun Luo, Min Xia, Lina Zhao
2020 unpublished
<p>OBJECTIVE: The aim of this study was to examine the association of circulating retinol binding protein 4 (RBP4) levels with β cell function across the spectrum of glucose tolerance from normal to overt type 2 diabetes. RESEARCH DESIGN AND METHODS: A total of 291 subjects aged 35-60 with normal glucose tolerance (NGT), newly diagnosed impaired fasting glucose or glucose tolerance (IFG/IGT) and type 2 diabetes were screened by standard 2-h oral glucose tolerance test (2-h OGTT) with the use of
more » ... traditional measures to evaluate β cell function. 74 subjects from these participants were recruited in oral minimal model test and assessed β cell function with model-derived indices. Circulating RBP4 levels were measured by a commercially available ELISA kit. RESULTS: Circulating RBP4 levels were significantly and inversely correlated with β cell function indicated by the Stumvoll first-phase and second-phase insulin secretion indexes, but not with HOMA-β, calculated from the 2-h OGTT in 291 subjects across the spectrum of glycemia. The inverse association was also observed in subjects involved in the oral minimal model test with β cell function assessed by both direct measures and model-derived measures, after adjustment for potential confounders. Moreover, RBP4 emerged as an independent factor of the disposition index-total insulin secretion (DI-PhiT). CONCLUSION: Circulating RBP4 levels are inversely and independently correlated with β cell function across the spectrum of glycemia, providing another possible explanation of the linkage between RBP4 and the pathogenesis of type 2 diabetes.</p>
doi:10.2337/dc20-1234/suppl.11985918 fatcat:avmdkdozmzh33k7i7m5ix75y34