Two generalizations of homogeneity in groups with applications to regular semigroups

João Araújo, Peter J. Cameron
2015 Transactions of the American Mathematical Society  
Let X be a finite set such that |X| = n and let i j n. A group G S n is said to be (i, j)-homogeneous if for every I, J ⊆ X, such that |I| = i and |J| = j, there exists g ∈ G such that Ig ⊆ J. (Clearly (i, i)-homogeneity is i-homogeneity in the usual sense.) A group G S n is said to have the k-universal transversal property if given any set I ⊆ X (with |I| = k) and any partition P of X into k blocks, there exists g ∈ G such that Ig is a section for P . (That is, the orbit of each k-subset of X
more » ... ontains a section for each k-partition of X.) In this paper we classify the groups with the k-universal transversal property (with the exception of two classes of 2-homogeneous groups) and the (k−1, k)-homogeneous groups (for 2 < k ⌊ n+1 2 ⌋). As a corollary of the classification we prove that a (k − 1, k)-homogeneous group is also (k − 2, k − 1)-homogeneous, with two exceptions; and similarly, but with no exceptions, groups having the k-universal transversal property have the (k − 1)-universal transversal property. A corollary of all the previous results is a classification of the groups that together with any rank k transformation on X generate a regular semigroup (for 1 k ⌊ n+1 2 ⌋). The paper ends with a number of challenges for experts in number theory, group and/or semigroup theory, linear algebra and matrix theory.
doi:10.1090/tran/6368 fatcat:wnqtsvmmgrbrnceybfc53t33wa