A Review on Durability Properties of Densified Small Particles based Concrete

Monika Verma
2019 International Journal for Research in Applied Science and Engineering Technology  
The most widely used construction material is Concrete because of its good workability and ability to be moulded to any shape. Concrete is a major part of development and plays a very important role in the infrastructural development especially in a developing country like India. Normal cement concrete possesses very low tensile strength, lesser ductility and less resistance to cracking. Normal concrete shows the brittle behaviour and fails to handle the tensile loading hence leads to internal
more » ... icro cracks responsible for brittle failure of concrete. The concrete durability crisis forced the engineers to think about the performance of concrete, proper design mix and careful construction by using the best available materials and technologies are necessary to achieve quality concrete structures. High performance concrete appears to be a better choice for a strong and durable structure. A huge amount of by products or wastes like silica fume, fly ash, copper slag etc are produced by industries, dumping and disposal of such wastes causes various environmental and health issues. In the recent past, considerable attempts has been there for improving the properties of concrete by adding such by products or wastes with respect to strength and durability, especially in aggressive environments. Proper usage of silica fume along with fibres and superplasticizers in concrete improves both the mechanical & durability characteristics of the concrete. The present review paper mainly focuses on research papers carried in the field of fibre reinforced DSP concrete, which includes experimental studies, strength and durability properties, effect of fibres and the latest developments in fibre reinforced concrete.
doi:10.22214/ijraset.2019.5621 fatcat:e3bxgkep3vd3xhrvmtfelecrwe