Need of Restructuring Teacher Education Programmes in India: An Essence for Globalization

Prakash Chandra Jena
2014 International Letters of Social and Humanistic Sciences  
For inculcating quality education the role of teacher is vital. In other words, quality of teaching largely depends on the quality of training received by the teachers. For this, designing curriculum and supportive resources occupies significant role. National Council of Teacher Education (NCTE 1998) identified ten competencies for making teachers professionally competent. These are contextual, conceptual, content, transitional competencies, competencies related to educational activities,
more » ... ping teaching learning materials, evaluation, management, competencies related to working with parents and with community and other agencies. For fulfilling these competencies, curriculum of the teacher education program need to be reconstructed according to the changing aspects and needs of the society. But the task may face many challenges at the grass root level of the teacher education program in India. Present paper focus on how to redesign teacher education curriculum in India and identifying major difficulties in the light of teacher education programs.
doi:10.18052/ fatcat:bqmoqoiojndszjziinm7axavbu