Mahbuba Khanum, Mahfuz Bazzaz
2020 Global Journal of Psychology  
The focus of the study was to test the influence of cognitive behavior therapy on parents with disable children. For this purpose, we used the experiment method and measured quality of life of parents with disable children before and after administration of cognitive behavior therapy. The methodology of the study was quantitative, experimental, survey based, and before-and-after research design. In this design, the quality of life was considered as an independent variable and the administration
more » ... of the cognitive behavior therapy as independent variable or as an intervention. The duration of therapy was 2 months based on 2 times in a week on regular basis. the therapy was administered in a hospital in Dhaka, Bangladesh based on an NGO funded project. The results showed that parents with disable children showed significant improvement in psychological, social relationship, and environment domains of quality of life after receiving the behavior cognitive therapy. the results for the physical health dimension turned out to be insignificant. The study concludes that parents with disable children may be provided cognitive behavior therapy in order to improve their quality of life
doi:10.51594/gjp.v1i2.83 fatcat:lx2rykfd4fg23jvekeakxy6p3y