Using a Non-Judgmental Stance to Promote Trustworthiness in Action Research

Serge Gabarre, Cécile Gabarre, Rosseni Din
2016 The Qualitative Report  
This article describes the use of action research to increase trustworthiness through a non-judgmental approach. Two foreign language lecturers implemented an action research to improve their teaching with the use of Facebook and mobile devices. In order to remain open to all possible interpretation of the events and to incite their students to provide them with honest feedback, they openly adopted a non-judgmental stance. As a result, students freely revealed how they used funds which were
more » ... n to them to access mobile Internet. Findings showed that not all students used the money as was anticipated by the lecturers, and that they spoke without restraints on the matter. This behavior has led the researchers to reflect on how this stance helped validate the trustworthiness of the data for the research, and encouraged them to focus on not judging their informants.
doi:10.46743/2160-3715/2016.2387 fatcat:uuxij7s2k5e3laytvv7tkdh6wq