Environmental aspects of education: assessment of adaptation of students with different types of autonomic regulation during physical exertion

Victor Gorelik, Valery Vlasov, Alyona Podlubnaya, Andrey Piyanzin, V. Breskich, S. Uvarova
2021 E3S Web of Conferences  
The environmental aspects of education include the study of the processes of adaptation of students to the effects of the school environment and increasing teaching loads. This problem most often remains an important problem of age physiology and school hygiene. However, its meaning is much broader. Modern studies of the adaptation of students to the effects of the school environment and increasing educational loads have intensified in connection with the tasks of transforming education in the
more » ... irection of its ecological culture. Our study proceeds from the assumption that the possibilities of assessing the environmental friendliness or environmental culture of education may be associated with the development of an instrumental method for determining and analyzing heart rate variability, suitable for examining large contingents of students as part of such methods for assessing the environmental friendliness of education and its other characteristics as a screening method and monitoring. Evaluation of heart rate variability allows determining the state of the mechanisms of regulation of physiological functions of the human body, the activity of regulatory systems: the central nervous system, the autonomic nervous system, intracardiac processes of the heart, the balance of the sympathetic and parasympathetic divisions of the autonomic nervous system.
doi:10.1051/e3sconf/202124411044 fatcat:xaatc5qrbrahjgu2h7vaxm325e