dlvhex: A Prover for Semantic-Web Reasoning under the Answer-Set Semantics

Thomas Eiter, Giovambattista Ianni, Roman Schindlauer, Hans Tompits
2006 2006 IEEE/WIC/ACM International Conference on Web Intelligence (WI 2006 Main Conference Proceedings)(WI'06)  
We present the system dlvhex, a solver for HEX-programs, which are nonmonotonic logic programs admitting both higher-order atoms as well as external atoms. Higherorder features are widely acknowledged as being useful for various tasks, including meta-reasoning. Furthermore, the possibility to exchange knowledge with external sources in a fully declarative paradigm such as answer-set programming (ASP) becomes increasingly important, in particular in view of applications in the Semantic-Web area.
more » ... Through external atoms, HEX-programs can deal with external knowledge and reasoners of various nature, such as RDF datasets or description-logics knowledge bases.
doi:10.1109/wi.2006.64 dblp:conf/webi/EiterIST06 fatcat:lqb5majm5nejxiurbuxkuw6b74