Statistical properties of phases and delay times of the one-dimensional Anderson model with one open channel

A. Ossipov, Tsampikos Kottos, T. Geisel
2000 Physical Review B (Condensed Matter)  
We study the distribution of phases and of Wigner delay times for a one-dimensional Anderson model with one open channel. Our approach, based on classical Hamiltonian maps, allows us an analytical treatment. We find that the distribution of phases depends drastically on the parameter σ_A = σ/sin k where σ^2 is the variance of the disorder distribution and k the wavevector. It undergoes a transition from uniformity to singular behaviour as σ_A increases. The distribution of delay times shows
more » ... ersal power law tails 1/τ^2, while the short time behaviour is σ_A- dependent.
doi:10.1103/physrevb.61.11411 fatcat:etaucjccu5fmzlac636fght5ya