Design of a Web-Based Application for Wireless Sensor Networks

S. Hussain, N. Schofield, A.W. Matin
17th International Conference on Database and Expert Systems Applications (DEXA'06)  
Wireless sensor networks (WSNs) are used for various ubiquitous and pervasive environments. A few common applications are security, agriculture, automation, and environmental monitoring. This paper provides the software architecture and design to develop a webbased application to query a wireless sensor network. A model-view-controller architecture is used to develop a generic web-based application. This application can act as a template to develop a simple interactive webbased tools for
more » ... ed technologies. The architecture is applied to design two monitoring protocols: continuous monitoring (CM) and query-based monitoring (QM). In CM, the application is designed for a specific query; however, in QM, the network is interactive and different queries can be sent.
doi:10.1109/dexa.2006.50 dblp:conf/dexaw/HussainSM06 fatcat:mhfkwwkcqzfctalqsyfy2yqd3e