An application to HVAC control system based on occupants' thermal response in office buildings
공조제어 적용을 위한 재실자 온열반응 데이터의 유효성 분석에 관한 연구

Hyesim Han, Jonghun Kim, Hakgeun Jeong, Cheol-Yong Jang
2014 KIEAE Journal  
A B S T R A C T K E Y W O R D In South Korea, the government has recently enforced regulations associated with buildings. Temperature restriction in indoor environment is one of the common ways of energy reduction in order not to dissipate heating and cooling energy; however the people who are in restricted temperature feels uncomfortable. Furthermore, occupants cannot feel the same thermal sensation even they are in the same place. For the reason, occupants should express their thermal
more » ... n and HVAC system should be able to apply their demand. It is proved by an adaptive principle. The adaptive model means that people react in ways which tend to restore their comfort, when change occurs such as to produce discomfort. In order to design HVAC control strategies based on adaptive model, we designated an existing office building as a reference building to gather data from actual field. Furthermore, we gathered occupants' thermal sensation and clothing insulation in real-time. We filtered the data with Kalman's filter method. The data was reasonable when there is an alarm messages for asking questionnaire. The response ratio were different in occupants' thermal condition. In conclusion, the filtered occupants' thermal sensation can be used as a real time HVAC control and input value of HVAC control. ⓒ 2014 KIEAE Journal 온열환경, 온열반응, 재실자 응답, 사무소 건물 Thermal Environment, Thermal Scale, Occupants' Response,
doi:10.12813/kieae.2014.14.4.111 fatcat:7d5e5ags4zg6ppk5t3iymlq4yi