Topic: Ties Adjusted Extended Sign Test For Ordered Data

Oyeka, I. C.A Oyeka, I. C.A
2012 IOSR Journal of Mathematics  
This paper developed a Ties adjusted non parametric statistical method for the analysis of ordered repeated measures that are related in time, space or condition that takes account of all possible pairwise combinations of treatment levels. A test statistic is developed to determine whether subjects are increasingly performing better or worse over time or space. The proposed method also enables the researcher to have a bird's eye view of the proportions of subject who are successively improving,
more » ... experiencing no change or worsening overtime, space or condition to guide the introduction of any desired interventionist measures. The method is illustrated with some data and shown to be more powerful than Friedman test and shown to beeasier to use than the Bartholomew procedure.
doi:10.9790/5728-0350914 fatcat:av77zjfkvjcipalhm6xwdaoqva