Extraction of the surface recombination velocity of passivated phosphorus-doped silicon emitters

A. Cuevas, G. Giroult-Matlakowski, P.A. Basore, C. DuBois, R.R. King
Proceedings of 1994 IEEE 1st World Conference on Photovoltaic Energy Conversion - WCPEC (A Joint Conference of PVSC, PVSEC and PSEC)  
3) Sandis Nation4 Laboratories, P.O. Ror 6800, AlbuqUerQUe, NM 6718547552, U.3.A: (4) Siarirens Solar Industries, P.0. Box 6032, Camarillo, CA 93011, tJ.S.A. ABS rRACT An malylical procedure to extraa the surface rawnibitlalioii volocity of the SO& typo silicon interfoco, S$? from PC6 rnnasiiremenfs of emitter recombination currents is deswibd. The analyois shows that tho extracted values af + are significantly affected by the assumed marerial parameters for highly JopuJ silicon. tp,+" andd
more » ... Updatod v duoe for these parameters arn rised IO obtain the dependence 01 S, on rhe phosphorus wr1centi.atiun, &J, using both previous and new experimental data The new e d dence suppatts rhe finding rhar 5$ tncreases s~ruiiyly will)
doi:10.1109/wcpec.1994.520221 fatcat:wohfqgauqzfihmm7wbb3sg4nae