Development of a Neurally-Controlled Vehicle — Neuro-Mobile — for Driving by Individuals with Motor Deficiency

V.I. Mironov, S.A. Lobov, N.P. Krylova, S.Yu. Gordleeva, A.Ya. Kaplan, T.V. Buylova, A.V. Bakhshiyev, D.V. Shchurovsky, V.O. Wagner, I.A. Kаstalskiy, A.N. Li, V.B. Kazantsev
2018 Sovremennye tehnologii v medicine  
The aims of the study were to develop a vehicle with elements of neural-control for people with limited mobility and to test algorithms for transforming human bioelectric activity into the driving commands. Results. A running model of the first urban electric vehicle (neuro-mobile) with elements of neural-control and neuro-assistance intended for people with motor deficits and the elderly, has been created. The neuro-mobile is an original combination of the car body and asynchronous
more » ... drives, able to accommodate the pilot on a wheelchair and a second person (passenger). It is equipped with a pilot assistance gear -a technical vision system, which reliably assesses the traffic situation by integrating the sensor data and recommends the correct driving path. Thus, the pilot is advised on possible driving scenarios (e.g., "changing lanes", "staying in this lane", "turning", etc.) presented by the audiovisual information tools. Another component of the neuro-mobile is the neural-control system able to analyze various bio-signals, including the electroencephalogram (brain-computer interface) and electromyogram (neuromuscular interface). The signals reflect the pilot's intention to choose one of the proposed movement options. A combined solution of the assisting electronic systems and the neuro-interfaces is transmitted to the drive control system (motor-wheel, steering wheel, brakes, etc.) to carry out the selected command. Thus, the proposed neuro-mobile may substantially increase the number of individuals with musculoskeletal deficiency, capable of moving with the road traffic.
doi:10.17691/stm2018.10.4.06 fatcat:5ozcewefq5avjjmgvd23wl6uqa