Representing personal web information using a topic-oriented interface

Zhigang Hua, Hao Liu, Xing Xie, Hanqing Lu, Wei-Ying Ma
2005 Special interest tracks and posters of the 14th international conference on World Wide Web - WWW '05  
Nowadays, Web activities have become daily practice for people. It is therefore essential to organize and present this continuously increasing Web information in a more usable manner. In this paper, we developed a novel approach to reorganize personal Web information as a topic-oriented interface. In our approach, we proposed to utilize anchor, title and URL information to represent content information for the browsed Web pages rather than the content body. Furthermore, we explored three
more » ... to organize personal Web information: 1) top-down statistical clustering; 2) salience phrase based clustering; and 3) support vector machine (SVM) based classification. Finally, we conducted a usability study to verify the effectiveness of our proposed solution. The experimental results demonstrated that users could visit the pages that have been browsed previously more easily with our approach than existing solutions.
doi:10.1145/1062745.1062909 dblp:conf/www/HuaLXLM05 fatcat:oipql4fnzffhbm6mrveufnpd6q