An Analysis of Traffic Accidents on a High-Volume Highway : Progress Report [report]

Arvid Peterson
1965 unpublished
xiii 220 xiii ABSTRACT Peterson The major objective of this study was to contribute to a factual basis on which recommendations for traffic engineering improvements could be made for the U. S. 52 By-Tass at Lafayette-West Lafayette, Indiana. To achieve this objective, each accident resulting in $50 or more property damage, an injury or a death on the by-pass or within 200 feet of the by-pass on intersecting streets in the period January 1, 1961, through December 31j 1963, was analysed in depth.
more » ... The 83U accidents involving 371* injuries and ten deaths were analysed by multiple linear regression analysis and quality control techniques. Several different types of accident rates wero computed and evaluated and collision-condition diagrams were utilized to determine specific causes of accidents at intersections and nonintersection study sections. In addition accident rates for weekend vs. weekday, day vs. night and clear vs. inclement weather were compared. These were but a few of the comparisons made in the analysis of data. Although this study has only been of one seven-mile high-accident facility, the findings may be of considerable value on similar facilities in other locations. B4 © US 52 -NORTHWESTERN AVE © YEAGER ROAD © SALISBURY ST -COUNTY FARM ROAD
doi:10.5703/1288284313677 fatcat:n3gf3gfptrcbng4cuvh2dnuz6u