Analysis of Power and Dimensions of European Tractors

Juergen Karner
2017 GSTF Journal on Agricultural Engineering  
The tractor is an important machine for every European farmer. It is typically propelled by a Diesel-engine, while pure electric and hybrid drives gain interest. Only a few international manufacturers are manufacturing the enormous scope of tractor-models available on the European market. To save costs, several platform models have been established. They are labelled and sold under various brands. Therefore, 117 tractor models have been analyzed that were available on the Austrian market until
more » ... he end of 2013. The aim was to identify if there are correlations of technical data (e.g. power and vehicle mass). Some additional values have been derived from them. It could be shown, that large tractors are equipped with relatively small sized tires. Large tractors generate higher pressure and shear stress in the contact area than small ones. A factor for the tire diameter was developed to obtain equal pressure and shear stress.
doi:10.5176/2345-7848_3.1.19 fatcat:i4xkj3vv5rctpahzojvndfvt3a