واقع تحقق معايير اعتماد المکتبات الأکاديمية بجامعة المنيا في ضوء خبرات بعض الدول المتقدمة: دراسة ميدانية

محمد خميس محمود خليل, إلهام محمد حسن علي
2020 Journal of Education  
‫استبانة‬ ‫الباحث‬ ‫ترسيع‬ ‫مغ‬ ‫ي‬ ‫غ‬ ‫عمى‬ ‫اقع‬ ‫بػ‬ ‫الشيائية‬ ‫الفخق‬ ‫شالب‬ ( 795 ‫شالب‬ ) ‫وشالبة‬ ‫ا‬ ‫بالكميات‬ ‫السعتسجة‬ ، ‫و(‬ 716 ‫شالب‬ ) ‫السعتسجة‬ ‫غيخ‬ ‫بالكميات‬ ‫وشالبة‬ ‫ا‬ ، ‫و‬ ‫عمى‬ ( 76 ‫أمشاء‬ ‫و‬ ‫ي‬ ‫مجيخ‬ ‫مغ‬ ) ‫ب‬ ‫السكتبات‬ ‫ال‬ ‫جامعة‬ . Abstract The aim of this study is to identify the reality of achieving the accreditation standards of academic libraries in some accredited and nonaccredited colleges at Minia University in the light of the experiences of some
more » ... untries from the perspective of students, managers of libraries, and librarians. The descriptive method has been used to describe and analyze the reality of the accreditation of academic libraries, as well as to demonstrate the experiences of some developed countries: The United States of America, Australia and the United Kingdom in the field of the accreditation standards of academic libraries. A questionnaire designed by the researchers have been applied to students in the senior years: (127) students in accredited colleges and (178) students in non-accredited colleges, and (18) of managers of libraries and librarians at Minia University. The results of the current study have revealed that there are deficiencies in achieving of the accreditation standards of academic libraries in both accredited and non-accredited colleges. The results of statistical analysis of data through the average of the responses of the student sample (on the total questionnaire statements) have illuminated the weak achievement of these standards of academic libraries in the colleges at Minia University. This affects the level of services provided, and accordingly affects the outcomes of the educational process. As for the point of view of the managers and librarians, the average response rate (on the total questionnaires statements) has been between the minimum confidence limits and the maximum confidence limits, meaning that it has been achieved at moderate degree, and this is not sufficient to achieve the desired goals of graduating learners able to deal with the knowledge society and participation in creating it. To carry out its mandated role, the academic libraries should significantly achieve their accreditation standards at the upper confidence limits. ‫املنيا‬ ‫جبامعة‬ ‫األكادميية‬ ‫املكتبات‬ ‫اعتماد‬ ‫معايري‬ ‫حتقق‬ ‫واقع‬ The researchers have come up with a set of recommendations, including: Setting strategic priorities for academic libraries in the colleges at Minia University, including objectives, visions and strategic plans to promote them with the cooperation and participation of relevant departments at the university, and making evidence-based decisions to enhance the quality of services provided, and attention to stimulate competition between these libraries in the quality of services provided. Increased attention to the educational role of these libraries with the need for an alliance and partnership between faculty members and librarians has been recommended in order to strengthen teaching, learning and research, and enhance their role in community outreach through participation in events, celebrations, and symposiums related to the field of libraries and information on and off campus.
doi:10.21608/edusohag.2020.64532 fatcat:tkpsq6zmlbajbjxlegq3qoqfte