Anterior Rectus Sheath Turnover Method for Abdominal Wall Reconstruction in a Trauma Patient

Sang Bong Lee, Chan Yong Park
2016 Trauma Image and Procedure  
Trauma patients with massive hemorrhage require extensive fluid resuscitation, resulting in massive edema of the bowel, the retroperitoneum, and the abdominal wall. We present a case in which the anterior rectus sheath turnover method was used for abdominal wall reconstruction in a patient with a difficult abdomen. (Trauma Image Proced 2016 (1) :32-33) Sang Bong Lee, et al. Anterior Rectus Sheath Turnover Method 33 materials. The anterior rectus sheath turnover method for abdominal wall
more » ... uction is a viable surgical option for difficult abdomen in trauma patients. CONFLICT OF INTEREST No potential conflict of interest relevant to this article was reported.
doi:10.24184/tip.2016.1.1.32 fatcat:t2azqzczpraw3pmhfxttokarqe