Cauchy-horizon singularity inside perturbed Kerr black holes

Lior M. Burko, Gaurav Khanna, Anıl Zenginoǧlu
2016 Physical Review D  
The Cauchy horizon inside a perturbed Kerr black hole develops an instability that transforms it into a curvature singularity. We solve for the linearized Weyl scalars ψ_0 and ψ_4 and for the curvature scalar R_αβγδR^αβγδ along outgoing null rays approaching the Cauchy horizon in the interior of perturbed Kerr black holes using the Teukolsky equation, and compare our results with those found in perturbation analysis. Our results corroborate the previous perturbation analysis result that at its
more » ... arly parts the Cauchy horizon evolves into a deformationally-weak, null, scalar-curvature singularity. We find excellent agreement for ψ_0(u= const,v), where u,v are advanced and retarded times, respectively. We do find, however, that the exponential growth rate of R_αβγδR^αβγδ(u= const,v) approaching the singularity is dramatically slower than that found in perturbation analysis, and that the angular frequency is in excellent agreement.
doi:10.1103/physrevd.93.041501 fatcat:zoujypwtgrhxfngwwzrm2phfpe