Geochemical Characteristics of the Fluid Inclusion of the Dafulou Deposits in Guangxi, China

Cheng Yongsheng
2012 Procedia Environmental Sciences  
In this paper, the fluid inclusions study was performed on quartz, sphalerite and calcite from the Sn-polymetallic orebodies of the Dafulou deposit. On the basis of optical observations and microthermometric data, six types of fluid inclusions have been recognized, such as single-phase gaseous fluid inclusions, single-phase salt solution fluid inclusions, two-phase vapour-rich fluid inclusions, two-phase liquid-rich fluid inclusions, three-phase CO2-rich fluid inclusions, solid(s)-bearing fluid
more » ... inclusions, etc. And it showed that water is the main component, for example the water content of quartz more than 1700 g/g, ranges from 1717 to 2320 g/g. The sphalerite has lower content than quartz, only 978 g/g. The calcite has lowest water content, i.e. 242 g/g and 324 g/g respectively. The gas component of inclusions mainly consists of CO2 and H2O. The main cationic consists of Ca2+, secondly Mg2+, K+ and Na+, only little Li+ and NH4+.
doi:10.1016/j.proenv.2012.01.291 fatcat:et54ndladnbmpgvooxjlucil44